Friday, 10 December 2010

Fly me to the moon - Månfärd

Have you been wondering what the girl in "Beneath the stars" are thinking about? Maybe this is one of her thought?

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Burning - Illustration Friday

I believe it's a little bit early to start with Christmas now. I did this one last week, planning on making some Christmas cards. But this week the theme on Illustration Friday is "Burning", and I thought Saint Lucia with her candles in her hair is a good interpretation of that.

For you who never have experienced a "Saint Lucia train" here's some facts from Wikipedia.

"In Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Norway, and Finland, Lucy (called Lucia) it is venerated on December 13 in a ceremony where a girl is elected to portray Lucia. Wearing a white gown with a red sash and a crown of candles on her head, she walks at the head of a procession of women, each holding a candle. The candles symbolize the fire that refused to take St. Lucia's life when she was sentenced to be burned. The women sing a Lucia song while entering the room, to the melody of the traditional Neapolitan song Santa Lucia; the Italian lyrics describe the view from Santa Lucia in Naples, the various Scandinavian lyrics are fashioned for the occasion, describing the light with which Lucia overcomes the darkness. Each Scandinavian country has lyrics in their native tongues. After finishing this song, the procession sings Christmas carols or more songs about Lucia. A similar version occurs in Scandinavian communities and churches in the United States."

Monday, 18 October 2010

Monday, 11 October 2010

Friday, 8 October 2010

Buy my prints on Etsy

Now I've opened an Etsyshop! So welcome to visit my shop, where I sell my prints for a resonable price.

Thursday, 19 August 2010

Washing up


Back to work

I'm back to work after a very long summer holliday, almost too long. So now it's time to be creative again, and keep on doing patterns and illustrations. I've been making patterns for a couple of months now, and I'm finally getting it to work. I'll give you some examples of my work. All the patterns can be bought at

Friday, 30 April 2010


Right now I'm focusing on making patterns. I'm still learning, but today I finished an e-book about repeating patterns. This is the pattern that turned out after doing all the steps.

Friday, 16 April 2010

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Looking down

This will probably be the only post this week, in a couple of hours I'm off to Bologna, Italy and visit Bologna Children's book fair. I'm so excited! Have a nice week!