"En elefant balanserade på en spindeltråd" & "Vem kan segla för utan vind"
Nu har jag i alla fall börjat rita på min portfolio, måste ju ha något att visa upp för ev. kunder. Behövde ett tema för att komma igång så jag tog och började med att illustrera svenska barnvisor.
Idag är nästa uppdrag att åka iväg och handla tjockare papper till mina visitkort. Ska bli skönt att komma iväg från Lomma lite grann, har ju suttit instängd här i mer än en vecka nu.
In English:
I got a comment that I should put a translation button on my blog, unfortunately I can't find any that translates from swedish to english. But I copied my swedish text with Googles translator and here's how it turned out (with a few changes):
In the past week, I have tried to isolate myself as much as I possibly could. On my birthday I got flu symptoms. With high fever for five days, it was unfortunately not a lot done, was quite dull on the sofa and the hours just floated away. But when I woke up on Sunday, with no fever, I got all my energy back and I wanted to go ahead with everything at once.
Now I have begun to draw on my portfolio, must have something to show up for the ev.customers. Needed a theme to get started so I began to illustrate the Swedish children's songs.
Today the next mission is to go out and buy a heavier weight paper for my business cards. Should be nice to get away from Lomma for a while, I've been trapped here for over a week now.
Oh, that was me! Thanks Maja. Hope it is not too much trouble for you. I so enjoyed your other blog and look forward to following your adventures here.
ReplyDeleteNo trouble at all! Actually I was thinking about writing everything in english, but then I was afraid that it would keep me away from writing as often as I would like, because it takes longer time for me to write in english. But Googles translater seems to work ok, so I'll try and see if it works out.
ReplyDeleteVad kul att du kommit igång med ditt eget. Ett stort lyckat till önskar jag dig. Det kommer att gå bra. Du är så duktig.
ReplyDeleteKram från Marie Leander, Houston, Texas.